adamslim;225816 Wrote: 
> The SB3 volume control is quite transparent - it all works at 24 bits,
> so for CDs does not truncate bits (the major quality loss) until you
> are reducing volume really quite a lot.  However, it will increase the
> S/N ratio in the DAC, which will have a small impact on quality - but
> this may be less than caused by an analogue volume control.
> However, if you are happy with your pre-amp volume control, best sound
> from the SB3 must be at full volume.  This is doing the least
> processing.
> My amp does not have a remote volume, and I am happy to use the SB3
> volume in the range 80-100 or so (and I consider myself pretty
> fussy!).
> Adam

Thanks a lot for the very fast and clear answer! It's very conforting
to buy a product backed-up by audiophiles.

So if I understood corectly, the volume is adjusted before the DAC,
digitaly, just like it would with replay gain enabled. Moreover, thanks
to the 24-bits computing I don't have to worry about too much about
rounding errors. Still I'll probably let the level at 100 and use my
pre-amp ;)

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