opaqueice;230072 Wrote: 
> I don't really agree.  If the jitter induced artifacts can be shown to
> be below the quantization noise floor - and in the case of the
> Benchmark they're way below it, at least for 16 bit audio - that's 100%
> jitter immunity by the only reasonable definition you could take.
It isn't just the absolute noise level that determines whether
something is audible or not; otherwise you wouldn't be able to make out
a conversation in a crowded room - even when it's much quieter than the
background noise level.

If the Benchmark really was immune to jitter, then you wouldn't be able
to hear the effect of different transports (or interconnect methods)
with it ... and you can. (And when I say 'you', I obviously don't mean
you opaqueice ... although you've probably never tried.)

Patrick Dixon

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