opaqueice;230386 Wrote: 
> I think Sean was referring to a product known as the "squeezebox."

Impossible: there the clock signal is embedded in the S/PDIF, and there
is no word clock input. He may have referred to the Transporter, which
you can slav to a DAC, but I may be forgiven for thinking that 1700 USD
extra for just that is out of the question.

Note I don't say the Transporter is overpriced, but that it's not
targeted at that majority of audiophiles whose posts I read on this and
other, German among other, forums, people who like me weren't born
yesterday and all own a DAC already. Were the Transporter available in
a version without DAC, without output stages, without additional power
supply and regulators etc. - in short, a CD-transport replacement, thus
roughly at half the price, that would still be costly, but given the
aluminum cabinet, rotary knob, easy handling, nice looks and all, and
most importantly, the knowledge one doesn't pay too much extra for
something one doesn't need, worth consideration. To me certainly - from
what I've read, what most of the people on those forums appear to want
is a Squeezebox with WC input and (impossible in the current design)
high resolution capability, and all that at little or no extra cost. If
that were available, I obviously wouldn't complain either. ;^)

Greetings from Switzerland, David.

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