seanadams;230164 Wrote: 
> You're thinking of house sync, not word clock. House sync is so
> _multiple_ devices (usually video+audio) can share one clock master.
> Word clock (as in, a point-to-point audio sample clock going from the
> DAC to the source) has no purpose except to reduce jitter.

Sorry - this must be a bit of transatlantic terminology! I've never
used the term "house-sync" - but it makes sense as a term. I've only
ever used master clock or wordclock, since I'm usually talking about
something like a MOTU clock, or devices that have wordclock sockets on

Anyway my point (which I admit was poorly made) was that IMHO wordclock
really came to prominence as a solution to the problem of connecting
multiple digital items together with independant drifting clocks. The
effect of this is audible as clear and intrusive clicks/pops, rather
than the more subtle forms of jitter. I accept this is probably a
special form of jitter.

However, if I read you correctly, Sean, what you are saying is that
with wordclock driving the transport from the DAC jitter is banished?

IF that is what you mean, then can someone advise as to how to get
wordclock fitted (modded) to my SB, TACT and DAC?

Alternatively, should the digital loop on the TP ever be made to work
(the only reason why I haven't bought a TP), could I get my TACT
wordclocked and drive it from the TP wordclock?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)
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