Hmm, that's the "Normal" test convolution? In the Inguzaudio\Tools
directory find the normal.drc file and open it in Notepad or similar
editor. Look for PSPointsFile; see what's after the equals sign. If
it's bk-3-spline.txt then I'm not quite sure why it isn't correcting
the slope of the high end more than it is. I guess the other thing I
wasn't expecting is how little variation there is in the convolution
(except for that dip at 150Hz). The smoothness of that line looks more
like an extreme or insane correction in my system.

Then again, your measured impulse response is really not too bad
(except for the dish shape and the problem around 150Hz). I agree with
mortod that you could probably do better by trying to correct that dip
with moving the speakers around or maybe trying some room treatment.
You mentioned in Post #114 a sub, so mortod may be right in the
crossover possibly being an issue. You might want to let that run out a
bit higher in frequency (if possible) and let the DRC handle clearing up
the mids. If you have any luck with that, I think finding the right
target curve will get you a pretty decent correction.

And now, a pat on the back for me! :-)

tonyptony;228920 Wrote: 
> If you're using a filter that looks like it produces a dead flat output,
> or maybe a bit of rolloff at either extreme or a suckout in the middle -
> it may explain why you think some songs sound dull.

It's the rare instance when I actually say something remotely correct!

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