zanash;231993 Wrote: 
> test your room by claping  once and listen to the decay ...much easier
> and less damaging.

No need at the mo, its terrible :o , or if you like echos its Fab, I
need a rug, book shelves, drape things etc... all in the plan :)  Safe
is good :D

Phil Leigh;232086 Wrote: 
> Hard to say...if you stay in the room while it is playing it seems to
> rewire your brain (reminds me of early Hawkwind...)
> I generally fire up the FLAC every month just to (allegedly) demag the
> whole system - doesn't seem to do any harm and sometimes I can kid
> myself it does actually work.
> I think its main use is in burning in speakers...

I'll er have a bash at rugs books etc before I worry about the Denson
cd then ;) however, the idea is now lodged and if one pops up I'll give
it a go.


Deaf Cat
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