Vic wrote:
> Robin Bowes;240213 Wrote: 
>> this is not a SB+ support forum.
> Sorry, did not know it was not allowed to talk about the SB+, someone
> could have told it immediately (or perhaps posts it in the forum
> rules)and save a lot of time and meeting extremely bizzarre
> individuals.

You aren't prohibited from talking about the SB+. The
designer/manufacturer is an active contributor here.

> I still have not idea what this forum is about, but really I don't give
> a damn. there are plenty of good forums on the net

This forum is hosted by Slim Devices and is generally for the discussion
of audiophile topics loosely related to their product line. The SB+ is
indeed discussed here.

The posts to which you took offence were humorous, and were started by
one of the Slim Devices founders and designers (Sean Adams). I think
that if anyone is allowed to go off-topic around here it's him!

Please try and cool off a little - no-one's getting at you personally.

> Robin Bowes;240213 Wrote: 
>> Don't burn your bridges
> ?????
> You must have some sort of coded language around here. I just don't get
> 1% of whatever you guy have been saying in this thread. Must be because
> English is not my first language.

Yes, I imagine it might be difficult to follow for someone to whom
English is a foreign language. There's some pretty heavy irony going on

Oh, and here's an explanation of "Don't burn your bridges":



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