honestguv;240292 Wrote: 
> They were not intended to be provocative, I was simply disagreeing with
> ceejay and, hopefully, explaining clearly why. Since your reply does
> not address the point I was trying to make I may well have failed in
> this.
> The comments were of course addressed to the rational rather than the
> audiophiles in the thread and I used the word audiophile in the way of
> the older generation of the technically literate about sound and audio.
> The young increasingly seem to use the word for all sound/audio
> enthusiasts rather than just those that hold flat-earth beliefs.

Well, I'd be very sad indeed if we couldn't use a bit of humour and
that can include a bit of teasing, as you put it.  But every now and
again this does spin off threads - like part of this one, up to the
point of my previous post - which get just nasty, which I don't think
is a good thing.

BTW - I'd also prefer not to abandon the term "audiophile" to mean only
the flat-earth variety.  Maybe that means I count as "young" in your
understanding, which would be delightful (its a long time since anyone
called me that!).


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