darrenyeats;240285 Wrote: 
> As a card-carrying subjectivist for many years may I make a few
> comments.

Interesting comment.  

I think just about all of us started off as "subjectivists".  After
all, when you're new to something, you naturally trust the "expertise"
of those more heavily involved.  You may read some magazines, or go
into a hifi store and talk to a salesman, and even though you expect a
little bit of hyperbole and advertising, you certainly don't expect
nearly everything you read or are told to be false.  (Even now I remain
deeply shocked by that.)  So instead you start forming an impression of
what you -should- hear, based on what you're told, and it becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy - if you don't hear the "right" thing, you
listen harder until you do.  

Once you've convinced yourself, you may become a passionate advocate
for audiophilia in general, and particularly for whichever style of
component happened to strike you as the best or most interesting (this
is the emperor-has-no-clothes phenomenon).

Then, as more time passes, you may start to notice a few cracks in the
facade.  Why is it that no one can agree on anything concrete?  Why is
everyone always upgrading and tweaking?  What gives with the fringes,
where things get gradually more and more loony to the point of putting
photos in the freezer?  How is it possible that each component has a
different sound - shouldn't there be a neutral sound they all approach?
Why can't anyone hear any of these differences blind?  Shouldn't one be
more suspicious of claims made by a luxury industry driven by

It's a superb lesson in human nature, and it's much more broad than
just audiophilia.  The capacity for self-delusion - most importantly
your own - can never be underestimated.

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