GuyDebord;263886 Wrote: 
> [...]
> The truth of the matter is that a lot of mastering is done in a lot of
> parlance sources including headphones; you said it yourself, Spendor,
> ATC, Linn.... and I can add AE's, Dynaudio, Tannoy and so many non
> "audiophile" brands, plus double the variety in selecting passive or
> active monitors. And lets not forget that normally professional
> monitors cost less than many high-end audiophile monitors.
> [...]

Sorry Guy, I have to pick you up on this. Perhaps you are confusing
mixing with mastering. I have never seen or heard of anyone mastering
on headphones. Occasionally people may mix or mix-check on headphones.
But mastering is a very separate and serious discipline, carried out in
highly refined audio environments (lots of acoustic treatment, minimal
equipment and distractions, built for the task) on FULL RANGE

Mastering is instructive for hifi hobbyists since it is a closer
approximation (than mixing) to what they might want to achieve with
their own systems. The first lesson from mastering should probably be
the importance of improving the listening room environment rather than
fiddling with cables and power leads! The speakers used for mastering
are often those available at the high end of consumer audio: the big
B&Ws, ATCs, PMCs, Tannoys, Eggleston (I have never heard of a mastering
studio using Linn or Naim but I concede that it is possible). Sometimes
these are actively driven and sometimes passively with expensive hi-fi
type amps made by people like Bryston, Chord and Pass Labs.

B&W 8xx series are serious speakers and 802s are used for mastering for
reasons other than simply the brand name. I agree that they may not be
the best value, particularly when combined with a suitably powerful
amp, which is why I often suggest people listen to the active ATCs as
an alternative.


Andrew B.

SB3-> Benchmark DAC1 -> ATC CA2 pre -> ATC SCM50ASL active speakers...
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