Pat Farrell;267872 Wrote: 
> alekz wrote:
> >  Too often it
> > shows how bad the recordings are. Not how good the music is.
> Isn't this a curse of any accurate audiophile system?
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Accurate (but unlistenable) vs
"distorted" (but rather enjoyable) dilemma. 
The better the system the worse some records sound. But would you 
prefer to part with some good but almost demolished by sound engineers

I wish I could switch between the mods and choose whatever sounds
subjectively better or according to my current mood.

I have only one solution for that - my car audio ;-) 

Pat Farrell;267872 Wrote: 
> alekz wrote:[color=blue]
> Out of tune, loudness wars, clipping, etc. I had such grand memories of
> that as a good album, the CD is unlistenable.
And that brings us to this thread:

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