Accurate is not always the best, my TACT room correction sounds
absolutley lousy when it does its thing and "flateens" the room/speaker
interface If you do not apply a preference curve it's
unlistenable....thats why TACT allow 10 curves as presets
Colouration is personal preference and that is inviolate.
No mmatter how I aclimatise my ears , they arent going to be happy with
the sounds as I have heard what sounds better to me.
If your do it all front end can be modded for 1600 and it makes one
happy, its a relatively small price in terms of high end audio , a
transport and DAC can cost many times more than a modded transporter.
High end audio is all relative and if one has a serious system, then
the cost of the mod is pretty minimal.
I have only one misgiving with mods and that is if they are not
reversible and thats why I would probably personally go for a valve pre
if I wanted the valve sound.
I must say , I committed the cardinal sin re Hifi with the transporter
, I bought it unauditioned in my system , so essentially I took a $2000
risk...I cant return it if I dont like it. I think thats what folk who
have their unit modded do , take a $1600 risk.

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