I agree completely with the positive impacts DRC can have on a system -
especially if the speaker locations are less than optimal.

I have a pair of rear ported Paradigm Studio 20s (from 1996 or so)
mounted inside bookcases on either side of a brick fireplace to protect
them from my daughter and bullmastiff.  Despite the less than ideal
location for any speaker, particularly rear ported monitors, the
quality of the sound I get using DRC is amazing.  I was looking for an
excuse for years to upgrade/replace the Studio 20s (which I still love,
but they've been with me for long time), but DRC has made me reconsider.
Now that we can correct for some of the rooms interactions so easily
using DRC, are upgrades from "entry-level" well designed and
constructed loudspeakers really going to deliver significant returns?

The only significant limitation I've found with DRC is the reduction in
volume.  My amplifier is already a little underpowered - and the need to
take Inguz prefs back to -18dB or -19dB has taken a small amount of the
fun out of higher volume listening.  But with an infant in the house,
how often will I really be able to crank things up anyway.

Quality entry level audiophile speakers are so easy to find these days
- mathcing them with DRC is a no brainer.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running MacOS 10.5.4
Plugins:  Inguz DRC, Sirius Radio, Album Review, SqueezeScrobbler,
Sources: SB3, NAD C542 CD Player, NAD T515 DVD Player
Amplification: NAD C720BEE Stereo Receiver
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1)

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