th00ht;366543 Wrote: 
> What about the magnitudes, Themis?
> see Why it is important.
> I still concur to moonbase. Every doller spend more on good speakers is
> a dollar spend well.
I agree that choosing the right speakers (the ones you like the most,
not necessarily the ones which have less total distortion) is the most
important thing. 
Nevertheless, once your speakers chosen (and you're satisfied)
everything else starts being as important : the source (transport and
dac), the cables and the amplifier. Although I agree that THD is a good
indication, it is not the only one, and (depending on the type of
distortion, but that, no-one tells you what distortion its gear mainly
produces) it's not even the main discriminating factor.
For instance, tube amplifiers produce high second-order harmonic
distortion, which is commonly perceived as a "warm sound", and not at
all as a inconvenience to many music lovers.
On the other hand, a fair (not extremely high) amount of jitter in D/A
converters is perceived as a "hard" and "edgy" sound and considered as
very annoying by many listeners, although the distortion level is
very-very small (especially compared to other distortions, for instance
speakers' ones).


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus
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