martin_sv;383836 Wrote: 
> Think you may have judged in haste and perhaps should re read the sig. I
> did of course use lossless files before coming to my conclusions.

Sorry. Misread your sig in haste and added a line to my post.

Then if you have been listening to FLAC, I cannot account for why we
hear differently. It is not a minor improvement I hear on deploying the
Beresford DAC. Both of us have competent amplification and excellent

I have no preamp in circuit. If I use the Pre-out from my Quad 77 to
drive the 405-2 the music seem to "recede"; but I still find advantage
in the Beresford even with the preamp in. Most of the time I am
prepared to forgo the advantage of a remote analogue volume control and
drive the power amp from the variable output of the Beresford. 


Perhaps others will clarify, but I think the SB introduces a penalty on
processing MP3, and the lossy compression has its own costs.



Beresford DAC - Quad 405-2 refurbished by 405man - Quart 980s German
Tower Loudspeakers.

FLAC through Foobar, XP and ASIO
Squeezebox 3 Classic 
Virgin Cable Box
No FM reception for Quad tuner - but both digital radio sources are
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