Grahame;401695 Wrote: 
> In the third comment, there is a link to where they explain the the
> equipment used.
> Does this re-qualify them in your eyes?

Nope. I don't know all of the recordings listed, but the two Murray
Perahia ones and Dark Side of the Moon and Gaucho are ancient,  and
were certainly mastered on analogue tape - the amazon review here even
mentions the tape hiss:

I have the Pink Floyd dual-layer SACD - it does a magnificent job of
transducing the tape-hiss, wow, flutter, pre-echo, post-echo and
drop-outs from what's left of the original multi-track master.

All you have to do is download some music in hi-res and red-book
resolution from Gimell or Linn, or buy a CD/SACD from
for example, and  listen to contemporary, high-quality recordings
(rather than 30 year old tape-hiss) at different quality levels and
decide for yourself. 

BTW, I have no particular axe to grind for SACD, it just happens to
have been the only available hi-res format until recently, but my
experience of listening to such recordings has certainly made me
enthusiastic at the prospect of more generally available, and easier to
replay, alternative hi-res formats, such as the downloads I've
suggested. I do mostly listen to classical music; perhaps the
difference is more obvious with such material, perhaps the people that
produce it care more for absolute quality. Until you listen, you won't

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