I did originally post this in the beginner's section but it's probably
more suited to here.

I'm considering converting my music collection to FLAC and using a
number of slim devices (likely to be squeezebox classics) around the
house to listen to the converted music library.

However before I do that I’m interested in understanding the potential
sources of error, up until the point the music reaches the DAC, so that
I can set up in the best way. 

The process is likely to be:

Convert CD’s to FLAC using (EAC or dbpoweramp – which is most
Play FLAC from PC hard drive (probably will use NAS later) to eg
squeezebox classic.
SPDIF (coaxial) connecting squeezebox to my amp (containing the DAC)

The one exception to this is one of my amps is the Pioneer SC-07 (LX81
in Europe) has the DLNA server built into it so will pull off the FLAC
files directly.

What sources of error will I have with this process?
Eg. Will the network cables introduce error? If I plug the network
cables via the router does that make any difference? Will the reading
of the FLAC files by the hard drive introduce error? What errors does
the squeezebox introduce in decoding the FLAC files? etc…. 

If I upgrade my hard drive to a new drive at a later date and move
across my music collection will that introduce error or will it be an
exact match? 

Each of the slim devices has a quoted spec for jitter .. I’m not clear
on exactly what this means?

Hopefully some of the many experts in this forum will be able to help
with this.


yunti's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=26106
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=60910

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