The AES so-called experiment is utter tosh. 2 of the 3 SACD players used
weren't true DSD machines for a kick-off, many of the recordings were
from 30+ year old analogue masters, it would be hard to set a system up
worse than the one in the picture - speakers wobbling on the floor,
close to a back wall, and close to resonant cupboards, dubious
'modified' equipment, and so on. And yet apparently female subects
managed to score 37.5% - a result so significantly worse than chance
that the whole methodology has to be questioned. A reasonable
conclusion is, though, that self-styled audiophiles are not very good
at making musical judgements through fancy audiophile systems.

Start with a contemporary high quality recording of known merit,  such
as the last movement of Mozart Symphony 41 from Linn - a
multi-award winning recording. Download it in 16/44 and 24/96. Make
sure you have the latest SC so that the 24/96 version is properly
downsampled to your squeezebox. Listen to both version. Which is more
complex, intense, powerful? Which lets you follow more of the fugue as
it flies round the orchestra? Which lets you differentiate the woodwind
right inside the music?  It's nothing to do with more bass, or more
treble. Just more!!!

Gimell are another company that have made 24 bit recordings for years -
they also sell Logitech stuff - try the same comparison on one of their
recordings. You might be interested in what they say:

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