Phil Leigh;414146 Wrote: 
> 2) The "remastered" (silver sticker on CD case) versions of original
> albums - better than first-gen, but...
> 3) The 2 "remasters" box sets 4/2 discs - all the album tracks in a
> funny order. This is far and away the best sounding release, until...
The 2 "remasters" boxes in fact pre-date the "silver sticker" CDs.
Those "silver sticker" CDs are the same as the 10CD "complete studio
recordings" box set. Both are from the Jimmy Page/George Marino
sessions in 1990 (1991?).

There is no doubt that the two releases are digitally different (I've
compared them in an audio editor), however their peak and replaygain
levels are pretty much the same. I always felt that the "remasters"
boxes had a more refined, less aggressive sound, and thought that
perhaps some very minor EQ tweaking had been done. Perhaps the final
sequencing involved passing them through some kind of process that
altered the digital samples slightly? Another significant difference is
that the channels are reversed on some tracks between the two releases.
(Which is "correct"? - I no longer have my vinyl for comparison, so I
couldn't say).

So, for a long time I preferred the sound of the "remasters" sets,
which was a shame because I was long familiar with the original album
sequencing. But then I did that audiophile-phobic thing: I ABX'd them.
And you know what? After correcting the reversed channels, I scored 50%
on an ABX test. They may have slightly different audio samples, but in
practice they sound exactly the same.


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