ccrome2;467135 Wrote: 
> The specs of that preamp are kind of a joke when compared to that of the
> transporter.
> The channel separation is only specified as '> 80dB @ 1kHz', Muting is
> '>90 dB'.  80dB is the equivalent of only a 13 bit DAC!  90dB is a
> 15-bit DAC.  The transporter has what, a 120 dB dynamic range?  You're
> going to have a *mighty* hard time beating that.  For example, you could
> digitally attenuate by 40dB, and still be better than that passive
> preamp. (i.e. 120 - 80 = 40dB).  The 120dB of the transporter covers
> virtually the entire dynamic range between pain and the threshold of
> audibility.  
I wish I knew what are you talking about... what S/N ratio has to do
with attenuation ? Perhaps you think that "dB" is an absolute unit of
measurement, or what ?oO


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