i am back to eat crow. all these issues with the readynas duo have been
using the webcontrol via my laptop. switching to the duet controller it
is working as it should. smooth, fast enough and seems to be fine. the
only issue i can see is artwork looks faded. so...sorry netgear for bad
mouthing your nas! it actually works quite well with the duet remote.

i did upgrade to sbs 7.5 (thanks andy) and this may have helped too.
the webcontrol is faster but still lagging with certain commands (15
seconds aprox).

i may keep it. now i have to figure out how to convert 1300 wma
lossless files to flac as the nas version of sbs will not play wma. i
tried with dbpoweramp but not working for some reason. i think i may
need to do it off the nas but not sure. 

thanks all!

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