I also highly recommend the vortexbox. 

Just a little clarification, there are two different things commonly
referred to as "vortexbox", one is free software that can be installed
on just about any PC, the other is the "vortexbox appliance". This is a
computer with the vortexbox software AND SBS preinstalled. 

The vortexbox software includes a version of linux, it takes over the
computer it is installed on. If it was originally a windows machine, it
will no longer be so after installing vortexbox software. You have to
dedicate the PC for vortexbox. 

There are several advantages to the "appliance", a big one is that it
comes with all the software already installed. If you already have your
CDs ripped you copy the files over to the disk (you can do it over the
network) and you are ready to stream to the SB. Thats all you have to
do, no installing software or setup, its already done for you. Its THE
simplest way to get a squeezebox system up and running. 

Another big advantage is power. The appliance takes a fairly small
amount of electrical power so you can leave it on all the time. The new
little tiny one is REALLY low power. 

The vortexbox can behave just like a regular NAS, serving files other
than music if you want to use it that way. 

John S.

JohnSwenson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5974
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=74591

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