Phil Leigh;514105 Wrote: 
> By the way, here's another moneysaving tip. Don't waste money on fancy
> support platforms for the SB3 or Touch if you use an external DAC. I did
> a test with a cordless hammer drill and a piece of plywood underneath
> them and there was no difference in the spdif output with the drill on
> or off.
> So much for the crystals (or other components) being sensitive to
> vibration!.
I consider that equipment should sit on the feet the designer put on
it. Only my Rega P3 sits on a Mission Isoplat, the rest is one on the
Long time ago I did some tests with feet etc, but never noticed
anything, not even on CD layers.
Others think differently.


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Cyrus 8xp - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus
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