Curt962;529488 Wrote: 
> Good Post!
> I've found a number of Hi-Res downloads (24-88, 24-96) that are at
> ridiculously low levels.    The VU meters barely move, and the music
> actually sounds a bit "lost".    The effect is not unlike using a
> low-output MC cartridge into a phono stage with insufficient gain.     
> It just doesn't work.
> I've used dbPoweramp more than once to cautiously apply a bit of fixed
> gain, and the whole thing sounds better. Lots better in most cases.   
> I also retain a copy of the original file in case I mess up.    I'm not
> changing things, so much as "re-scaling" them a bit to get them out of
> the dirt and up where they can be heard without running the gain on
> everything here at "11".   Not unlike using a phono stage with more
> gain.
> This seems to work quite well, and I've yet to hear some objectionable
> sonic artifact as a result.
> Works for me!

Curt, how did you do it? I've used dBpoweramp to rip all of my cds, but
I left everything to default settings. Where would I find the menu item
you said would add some fixed gain?


John M
SqueezeCenter 7.3.4 running on a DIY PC, Windows 7 64 bit o.s., with
Inguz Audio EQ/DRC. (1) Transporter, & (2) Booms connected through a
Linksys WRT54gs router and Linksys WAP54g access point. Using an iPod
Touch with iPeng for a controller. For Critical Listening =>Transporter
=> Rotel RC1070 preamp => Rotel RB1080 2 channel amp => Bowers & Wilkins
805 Speakers.
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