Well I will post a dissenting view of the OP's linked site.  Yes there
are plenty of wacky "audiophiles" around, but there are probably even
more "everything measures perfect so it must sound perfect" types, and
they are just as deluded.  I think this Dan guy comes mighty close to
qualifying as one of the latter.  How many of you remember the loads
and loads of Stereo Review "reviews" of $500 receivers where they
basically said the equipment measured so well that of course it sounded
just fine.  All audio electronics was so close to perfection that the
key to getting great hi-fi was to have lots of buttons and lights on
your equipment.  Well, I believed that line of thought for years, but
what an absolute load of horse crap it turned out to be!  Yes there are
excesses in the audiophile press, but thanks to them, I have a system
that makes wonderful music--that sounds like real acoustic instruments
are playing in my room.  If I had listened to the people like Stereo
Review (and Dan?), I might have great "hi-fi sound" but nothing that
really remotely resembles real instruments.  So, you can chuckle all
you want and feel superior, but in the end, unless you adopt some of
the audiophile way of thinking (that some audio equipment can actually
sound more realistic) you are doomed to what I would now consider crap
sound.  I remember having a music lover friend over one time and when
he heard my system he was just blown away, going on and one about how
it sounded like real instruments were playing in the room.  My
response: well that is the goal of hi-end audio.  His response:  I
never even considered that could be a goal for a hi-fi.  That pretty
much sums it up, in my opinion.  Pick your system by measurement if you
want, but I will stick with my ears.

Incidentally, I am a PhD research scientist/professor, so know more
about experiment design and scientifically valid methodology than most
people.  Audiophile listening tests are hardly the only listening tests
that have serious methodological flaws--so do many "scientific"
listening tests.  Furthermore, virtually all of the descriptions I read
about how audiophiles do listening tests represent no more than straw
men, as nobody with half a brain does things as described.  "Wow, I
swapped in the $2000 Wondercable and was just blown away by how
holographic my system now sounded, so I immediately bought it."  Oh,
rubbish.  Never run into a single person that even remotely fits that

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