On 04/09/10 02:57, ncarver wrote:
> Well I will post a dissenting view of the OP's linked site.  Yes there
> are plenty of wacky "audiophiles" around, but there are probably even
> more "everything measures perfect so it must sound perfect" types, and
> they are just as deluded.

Yes, those are the two extremes, and as always the truth lies somewhere
in the middle.

<rest of rant snipped>

I feel that you too are falling into trap of pigeon-holing people into
one of two camps - either they're loony audiophiles with green pens and
cables in the freezer, or they're measurement-obsessed scientists who
don't really use their ears.

Most of the talk about measurement, etc. on here is in relation to
eliminating the possibility of expectation bias, ie. thinking something
sounds better because you've spent a few quid on it. I don't think there
are many on here that advocate equipment selection based on measurement

My view? Well, I have a background in sound engineering, and a degree in
Acoustics so I am firmly in the middle ground. I generally trust my ears
to tell me whether I like what I hear or not, but I also think that (in
theory at least) it should be possible to measure any differences that
my ears can hear. However, in practise, I don't think we yet know what
to measure to do that.

In the end, it's all about the music. For example, I have heard several
performances of the Rachmaninov piano concertos, but the one I come back
to is a very early recording of Rachmaninov himself playing them - poor
sound but performances to die for.

"Feed that ego and you starve the soul" - Colonel J.D. Wilkes
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