ralphpnj;581677 Wrote: 
> I repeat: case closed.

You seem awfully anxious to close the door on an issue you brought up.

Science deals far more in probabilities than absolutes. If DBTs were
worthless, let's just toss all of the medicines we have today and head
back to the 15th century. 

That's the problem with many audiophiles. They hear the tidbit that
confirms their belief and then immediately discount the greater bulk
that doesn't. 

I've even heard DBTs discounted because they are "stressful" because
the listener is in the terrible position of making a choice. Meanwhile,
the far greater and well documented peer pressure of making a choice in
a sighted listening test is blithely discounted as nothing. 

In other words, the one-in-a-million odds are willingly accepted but
the world is searched high and low for the most obscure of reasons to
ignore the 99% probability.

If that is "case closed" in your book, you're welcome to it.

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