It was probably a mistake on my part to mention medical testing, but
those do not give simple "yes/no" results either. One looks at the
preponderance of evidence in those situations in deciding how to

In the audiophile world however, one exception out of a hundred is more
than adequate for an audiophile to announce themselves immune to the
frailties that plague ordinary humans. 

Yes, audio testing is a complex affair since it necessarily involves
the human brain. However, this much is fairly well established: the
differences between things in sighted testing are more often than not
accompanied by grand and glowing descriptions of those differences.
When the same things are tested in a blind situation, those differences
become much smaller and more subtle; sometimes the differences even
disappear. Plus, an encyclopedia of apologetics has been written to
explain why blind testing is inadequate for the special needs of those
in the audio world.

In short. audiophiles like science when it agrees with them, but
they'll search to the ends of the earth for reasons to dismiss it when
contrary evidence emerges. 

Seems pretty ordinarily human to me.

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