On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:47 PM, opaqueice
<opaqueice.4numhz1295502...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> garym;603795 Wrote:
>> You sorta need to read the forum for a while, or at least look at some
>> of the other posts of the posters who are giving you advice (I'm
>> speaking generally, not just this thread). This will help with a
>> baseline on their opinions. I don't mean anything good, bad, or
>> otherwise here, but this forum has folks that find major differences
>> with minor things, find no differences with major things, and
>> everything in between. Some members have the ability to perform fairly
>> sophisticated tests and o, some are believers in double-blind testing,
>> some think this is worthless, etc.
> I, for example, would be willing to be bet a large sum of money that
> not one of the posters in this thread could hear the difference blind
> between a touch, duet, or SB3 classic going into my DAC (a Benchmark
> DAC1).
> You'll be just as hi-fi with a duet as with a touch or a transporter if
> you run into a decent DAC.  It's a question of what you like and what
> you feel comfortable with, not sound quality.

Agreed. Interface jitter is irrelevant unless it is bad enough to
actually fail to communicate with a downstream device. I seriously
doubt the Duet is broken enough to have audible issues along those
lines, though I don't own one.
On the other hand, converter jitter (intrinsic, caused by heat, poor
internal clock mechanism, etc, etc) is always bad, and usually

I think it is vastly more likely that people are actually hearing DAC
issues. The best-sounding DACs I own are the Benchmark DAC1 and the
Tact T-2. The Benchmark in particular does not give a damn how bad the
incoming interface jitter is.
I will have to try it blind, but a level-matched comparison between
the SB3 and the Transporter seems identical on my setup. I use the
Transporter because of 24/96 content, not because it sounds better to
me with 16/44.
Unfortunately the transporter can't act as the preamp for its digital
inputs, or else I could use its DAC to compare against as well.
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