Bas Cancrinus;608712 Wrote: 
> I have a plain SB3 (no ext. DAC or anything) and it's time for a serious
> upgrade. What I understand from this thread is that I should:
> 1. buy an SB Touch;
> 2. apply Klaus' mods to free resources, which are needed for a
> bit-perfect S/PDIF output signal;
> 3. buy a Blue Jeans s/pdif coax;
> 4. buy an ext. DAC.
> Am I right?
> I read a very positive review of the Cambridge DacMagic (2008, EUR
> 425), are there any other DACs in that price range that I should try?
> TIA!!

2 not true. Klaus' mods may or may not improve the sound, but they
aren't needed for bit perfect output. One explanation of why (if ) they
work is that by reducing RF interference they lessen jitter. But in both
cases the digital output of the Touch is bit perfect.

Wow, there are a lot of DACs in the $400- $700 price range. You should
probably try several if you can. The Music Hall, the MF-1 (just
recently favorably reviewed here), the DACmini(more like $800), the
higher end HRT streamer, and others. I always recommend looking at the
second hand market for DACs. They don't have moving parts, so there
isn't much to go wrong on a working used one. You can often get a
second hand DAC with SQ well above what you could afford with a new
one. Audiophiles are constantly upgrading DACs and selling their older
ones, so there is quite a good second hand market for them.

Of course listen to the Touch "as is" first, you may find it quite
satisfactory on its own.


Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running SqueezeServer; SB Touch slaved to
Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF V DAC3, MF X-150 amp, Devore Gibbon Super 8
Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20 (occasional use); sometimes use PC with
M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom in second room. Arcam CD82 which
I don't use anymore, even though it's a very good player.
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