johann;613894 Wrote: 
> To be fair there are quite a few resonably engineered prodcuts out
> there.
> But with clients that believe in and willing to buy expensive cable
> supporters, exotic power cables that does not even have any filters,
> expensive USB and TP cables, mouse shaped sand bags to eat component
> vibrations or the worst one, Shatki stones, there should be no suprise
> that there are people who take the oppurtunity to make money out of it

It can some times take the shape of of often good but very
anochronistic and expensive engineering too.

Why design very elobarate and silent tube preamp circiut ( it can be
done not all tube circiut is a sound effect, thats the power amps )
when an of the shelf op amp is just as good ? Costing1/100 ? 

And my pet peeve you should not need those 1000 watt monoblocks when
the real problem is the passive xover in the speakers.

And the list goes on many high end components are tour de force in
engineering just like a swiss watch, but just like swiss watch they are
bettered by a cheap casio in it functionality.

But to get on topic agiain is there really a solid belief that a
digital source can not be " good eneugh" for for the purpuse of listen
to music, that the dac alwyas will produce audible problems in the
presence of even the smallest amount of jitter ( being from the source
or the dac itself ) you can probably always measure it's impact but.. ?
How is that hypothesis suported ?
That audiphiles believes it does not suport it as they believe

I have nothing agianst technical perfection for it's own merits if it
reasonable to achive.
You should avoid known distorsion sources even if they can not be heard
in isolation somewhere all the grunge adds up and may be the tiny thing
that tips in to being a problem.

An example is thd why 0,00001 % when the limts of hearing it is about
0,1 to 0,5% in the midrange and in the range of whole % in the bass,
imho it begins with the microphone and ends in you ear canal each steps
adds it own grunge to the whole. adding more can never be good.

Is there any recent science around how low levels of jitter we can hear
? I believe it's a very hard thing to investigate and isolate from "
other " problem sources, so maybe the early research is somewhat wrong,
that pionted in the region of ns not the ps range wich we are in now  ?


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
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