I was also annoyed by the high prices for the high res. remaster
downloads. After all - its a DOWNLOAD! The download should not cost
more than what I would pay for the downsampled CD of the same remaster
(usually $9 on amazon.com). Just a rip off of us old fogies who are
supposed to be willing to pay for it. Well, I'm not willing! High res.
is great. Its not that great! - I bought the Band on the Run download
for just under 20 bucks. I will occasionally pay that much if I'm in
the mood. I still dont listen to it that much more than I would if it
were 16/44.1.  Offer the high res downloads for $9 and I think HDtracks
may have a winner!

I may be dumb but I'm not stupid!


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
earwaxer9's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39527
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=86017

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