soundcheck;620704 Wrote: 
> I recommend to use that Sbooster filter device for quite some time.
> Combine that with a nice overdimensioned ebay 5V linear supply and 
> you'll be quite happy. It even works on my SuperTeddyReg/Battery
> supply.
> John Swenson prepared a 'DIY filter proposal'
> (
> based on a Hammond choke and a 10kuf cap, which is basically the same
> type of filter. 
> I highly recommend John`s version to the DIY minded crowd. I got his
> proposal up'n running since a couple of weeks. 
> His explanation about the addressed issue makes sense to me. 
> From my perspective another of these kind of forum myths got busted. ;)
I am not sure how you get that out of John Swenson's comments
In fact he says that there is little effect on the output of the touch
from changing supplies, and does not think that linear supplies are
necessarily better. In fact he says they may well be worse. 
He does seem to think that his design is a jolly good idea, and is
quite clear that the critical part of it is the Hammond choke. He is
also very careful to discourage any deviation from the precise spec.
Unless the S-Booster is pretty well identical to his design, then it
cannot claim the support of his rather cautious and guarded opinion. 
As a matter of interest where do you get the information that John
Swenson's design is basically the same as the S-Booster ?ie in essence
that it contained a Hammond choke (not a "simple cap filter" which he
plainly regards as inferior.) Others have commented on the absence of
technical information about the design and functioning of the

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