soundcheck;620736 Wrote: 
> Yep. Most of your comments are correct.
> Though you can open up the Sbooster and can have a look what's in
> there.
> The Sbooster is pretty basic, that's correct. Though it's not a "simple
> cap filter". That would be a first order filter. It's a 2nd order
> lowpass.
> It's pretty much the same setting as John's setup. 
> The Sbooster IMO is not expensive.  And best of all -- it works. 
> Howard mentioned "large improvement". 
> And yes, John is always careful to avoid not to be put into the
> snakeoil-fraction corner. And that usually happens over here
> immediately as soon as you can't show "measurements" or scientific
> explanations. 
> But meanwhile we know  that even if measurements are made and effects
> are proven quite some ignorant people around here tend to spread the
> "old" snakeoil message.
> I don't have a problem with that. I know what I hear. That myth is
> busted.
Now I don't want to appear slow, and i would have to admit to having
had rather a good lunch; but could you help me me by identifying what
it was exactly which "busted" the "myth". Oracular though he may be,
John Swenson's endorsement of a particular circuit design would still
fall short of conclusive evidence of its efficacy. However, since it is
clear that the S-booster's circuit design is at best a bit like John
Swenson's, and since his message is quite clearly that any deviation
from his specs is potentially fatal, any general similarity is clearly
not enough to piggyback off (doubtless unimpeachable) prestige.
So what exactly was it that "busted" the "myth"?
I genuinely regard myself as an agnostic on this front, and have been
on the verge of buying a linear power supply. But each time a little
nagging voice in my head has baulked at spending something like the
price of a touch on its power supply. Several years ago  I bought a
mains filter from ebay which did not cost very much, an had numerous
ecstatic testimonials. Funnily enough I eventually concluded that it
did nothing noticeable to my system. Actually the S Booster is quite
cheap, but since as far as I can tell from JS' analysis the only real
benefit of a PS upgrade is reducing the noise generated by the existing
PS into the rest of the system, before i buy one i would love to see
some proof that it does so.  Mnyb's post suggests that he was under the
impression that the S-booster does not affect the noise injected by the
PS: it strikes me that this is a verifiable proposition. 
I accept that this would not prove that the output of the touch was
beneficially improved, but it would at least move the debate along.

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