aubuti;621965 Wrote: 
> I don't want to argue with success, but were you trying to play hi-res
> (24/96 or higher) material when you thought the Transporter sounded
> less detailed? Because that would be the only situation in which any
> downsampling would be necessary. The Duet Receiver can handle up to
> 24/48, so if you were listening to that or standard redbook 16/44.1
> then downsampling wouldn't be an issue and wouldn't explain the
> difference in sound quality you heard when the players were sync'd.

agree, and not sure, but question: is the bitrate limiting a per player
thing (it appears so in the settings under player/audio). And if it is,
if bitrate limiting is turned on for the duet would that affect the
transporter as well if "keep players in synch" is turned on? Seems like
if the bitrate limit is on, the default level for LAME is V9 (which
would be a very low bitrate mp3!).

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