Phil Leigh;632145 Wrote: 
> The gain reduction can be set in inguzdsp.exe.config.
> Mine is set at -13dB which seems to minimise/eliminate clipping on
> almost all of my albums I have tried.
> I doubt you have many albums with an average level of < -20dB.. Do you
> use replaygain (I do). My quietest album is nowhere near that quiet ON
> AVERAGE, looking at the calculated albumgain. There are some passages
> at -30dB... on analogue they would be very noisy due to the lousy SNR.
> On digital they sound fine even with 20-30dB of cut on top...
> Obviously you need quiet pre and power amps... :-)
> By the way, a very small amount of sporadic clipping is most likely to
> pass undetected, even in critical listening. It generally takes a few
> successive samples to show it up at all.
> The point is that the -16dB (or whatever) is a flat gain reduction
> across the board that is then mostly recovered by boosting certain
> frequencies in the DRC. So, the net gain will tend back to zero at some
> frequencies. Obviosuly there is a slight deterioration in the SNR
> because of this, hence why I feel it makes sense to do all of this in
> 24-bit and hence why we are using SOX to convert everything to 24-bit
> before gain manipulation. Note also if you ARE using replaygain to
> (generally) reduce playback level, that this is applied AFTER INGUZ...
> How much gain reduction you need is solely determined by how much boost
> you dial in with EQ AND how much boost DRC needs to apply to flatten the
> response of the frequency response dips and how loud your loudest albums
> are (generally you will find this is 0dB).
RE the average level of -20dB I don't know if we are talking about the
same thing here but i am referring to the RMS levels measured by the
foobar DR plugin (which I think you pointed out on this forum). I
attach a doc with a number of measurements which show lots of albums on
which most ttracks have RMS figure in the -20-30dB range.[and no the
Glee cast album is not mine]
I appricate that one can drag the target curve in  audiolense up and
down, but I was tryign to work out what the required overall gain
reduction was for a given correection filter. I have a feeliong that
audiolense will show you the applied correction curve as well as the
target and the mearement. Am I right in nthinking that the maximum
overall gain reduction required is equal to the maximum boost in the
correction curve? I have a strong suspicion that no more than 6 Db or
so of boost is applied in my correction curve

|Filename: foobar dr analysis.doc                                   |

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