adamdea;632146 Wrote: 
> RE the average level of -20dB I don't know if we are talking about the
> same thing here but i am referring to the RMS levels measured by the
> foobar DR plugin (which I think you pointed out on this forum). I
> attach a doc with a number of measurements which show lots of albums on
> which most ttracks have RMS figure in the -20-30dB range.[and no the
> Glee cast album is not mine]
> I appricate that one can drag the target curve in  audiolense up and
> down, but I was tryign to work out what the required overall gain
> reduction was for a given correection filter. I have a feeliong that
> audiolense will show you the applied correction curve as well as the
> target and the mearement. Am I right in nthinking that the maximum
> overall gain reduction required is equal to the maximum boost in the
> correction curve? I have a strong suspicion that no more than 6 Db or
> so of boost is applied in my correction curve

In theory the maximum gain cut required in Inguz is equal to the
maximum boost being applied by the DRC correction curve.

In practice, if you see any "clipping" in the Inguz log, then the DRC
boost is exceeding the fixed cut AND when the excess is added to the
music, the level (occasionally) exceeds 0dB.

For example:

1) cut -16dB
2) DRC boost 18dB
3) peak level of track 0dB
net result: some peaks will clip as the DRC will tray aand fail to
boost their level to +2dB.

By the way, check that you have the Inguz "flatness" setting set to
10... this will ensure that the correction filter from AL is being
fully utilised. This should be the default, but I'm not sure if it is.
See here:

At the moment my advice is to adjust inguzdsp.exe.config for minimal
clipping. Do not manipulate the AL correction curve up/down, leave it
where AL puts it. Listen to some quite tracks. Does everything sound

I'll have to look at the DR plugin's RMS levels vs replaygain  - that
will have to wait until tonight...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - Audiolense 3.3/2.0+INGUZ DRC - MF M1 DAC - Linn 5103
- full Aktiv 5.1 system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5),
Pekin Tuner, Townsend Supertweeters, Blue Jeans Belden Digital,Kimber
8TC Speaker & Chord Signature Plus Interconnect cables
Stax4070+SRM7/II phones
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio, Harmony One remote for everything.
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