To make a netbook act like a Squeezebox you'll need to run one of the
software players on it (SoftSqueeze, SqueezePlay, or squeezeslave). One
thing you'll lose with software players is reliable synchronizing of
multiple players. A few people get lucky, but in general you can only
be assured of solid sync'ing with hardware SBs. 

Another thing you'll lose is free access to Pandora. Software SBs only
play Pandora if you have a paid subscription, which admittedly isn't
very expensive. 

Unless you have a really long cable from the netbook to your amp,
you'll have to put up with a computer in your listening room. Sometimes
that's not a problem, sometimes it is. 

Finally, if sound quality matters to you, the soundcards of most
netbooks are vastly inferior to the audio components of a SB, so your
sound quality won't be as good either.

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