adamdea;656159 Wrote: 
> I think we are in agreement- it's just the expression "brick wall"- I
> understadn this to mean a filter with effectively no transitional band
> ie one which provides infinite attentuation at the transition between
> the pass band and the stop band.
Sorry, I didn't intend the term "brick-wall" to mean a filter of
infinite slope, but rather a very high-order filter that attenuates

adamdea;656159 Wrote: 
> In practice this may mean something with really steep attenuation at the
> transition. This is really difficult to do in analog but is trivial in
> the digital domain because all you have to do is to calculate the
> values that the samples would have had *if* a perfect analog filter
> existed.
Quite so. BUT... the effect of a digital filter on the signal is the
same as that of a perfect analogue filter of the same order. Of course
there is no such thing as a perfect analogue filter - component
tolerances and such like ensure that - so a digital filter will
certainly be better than the equivalent analogue one. But digital
filters still create artefacts in the passband; they are not magic. 

adamdea;656159 Wrote: 
> I guess this comes back to your point that even a digital brick-wall
> filter has some (perceptible) phase effect.
Actually my point is that while a digital brick-wall filter *does* have
some (measurable) phase effect, it's probably not *perceptible*.

adamdea;656159 Wrote: 
> if that's right then I agree that there would be an advantage in having
> a final product with fs > 44.1kHz (but >96kHz?)
I remain sceptical that >44.1/48kHz is necessary. As for those who
insist they need >96kHz - they are clearly ready to be taken away in
jackets with very long sleeves.


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