Mnyb;669706 Wrote: 
> "my ears tells me" is exactly the kind of flawed thinking that get you
> green pens for your cd and sprays to treat your exotic cables :) your
> so called " ears " tells you a lot of things ( expectational bias ).

Why don't we take a breather now and distill this thread into one
crucial question: how is it possible that TT3.0 kicks ass on any
previous mods we've been trying with the Touch? I don't think anyone
has a rock solid explanation, which is why we're wringing our hands and
scratching our heads here.

Even the most hardened cynics and skeptics cannot help but hear, in all
its glory, how fully applied TT3.0 mods FUNDAMENTALLY alter the very
character of the sound delivered by the Touch. Yes, but how to explain
that? (and if you can produce a hero who insists that he cannot hear
this radically altered sound that now comes with TT3.0, I'll show you a
full blown bullshitter).

So these radical results are undeniable -- what's not undeniable is the
theory that would explain how's this all possible. I don't think we are
equipped, at this point, to cope with this conundrum.

Let's assume, for argument's sake, that TT3.0 mods are not delivering
any improvements over the native Touch (keep in mind that some inmates
even claim that TT3.0 WORSENS the sound!) Still, what remains
undeniable is the fact that TT3.0 mods DO alter the quality of sound
delivered by the Touch. That is not to say that the altered sound
quality is an improvement, just a change.  Folks, I don't have a
reasonable explanation of how is that possible, given the rather soft
and feeble nature of the TT3.0 mods. I am personally buying Klaus's
explanation (i.e. that each digital bit, as it arrives via electrical
current, needs to be declared as being either 'on' or 'off', and that
often times it's not an easy decision to make, so the more we tame the
going ons inside the circuitry, the easier it gets to declare something
as '1' or '0'). Others may raise their eyebrows at this anecdotal

At the end of the day, who cares. As someone said, our music libraries
are growing by the day (thank you, torrent community;), however the
time available for enjoying music is not growing. Rather than obsess
over the excruciating minutia of bits and bytes, let's enjoy the fruits
of Klaus's labor, which he so generously shares with us:)

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