Gazjam;678941 Wrote: 
> Alex, whats all this about Shakti stones... :)

Unfortunately, I lost the original quote, but there are documented
cases from the late 19th century where some reputable scientists were
asking for the madness of the scientific research to stop and give it a
rest. According to those self-proclaimed 'geniuses', everything that
could ever be discovered and invented has already been discovered and
invented and there were no conceivable scientific breakthroughs to be
had anymore. That shameful episode happened 150 years ago. In the
ensuing 150 years since that silly episode, science had proven those
fools very wrong, many times over.

We're seeing the same silliness in the world of audio research. Online
audio communities are chock full of Luddites who insist that everything
related to the audio technology had already been invented and that
anything that could be measured has already been measured, ergo no room
for improvement is left whatsoever. Or, in the words of one silly member
on this forum, the Everest has already been climbed.

Now, to me, this is utmost stupidity. And it goes without saying that
all these self-proclaimed 'know it alls' will be proven wrong as the
scientific research continues into the future.

Audio is not my only hobby, I am also a guitar player who is passionate
about vintage equipment etc. I also frequent many vintage gear online
communities, where we share our experiences and impressions regarding
guitars, amps, stomp boxes, and so on. Some of us are spending insane
amounts of dough on some rare 'out of print' vintage equipment, but at
no point is anyone accusing their fellow members of being crazy or
stupid or trolls for indulging their passion. It is ONLY in the audio
circles that we see so much hatred being thrown at other fellow members
when they disclose how they've obtained some unique or slightly odd
piece of gadget. Why is that? Why do audio hobbyist feel it their
appointed duty to go on a very shameful witch hunt in order to expose
'frauds' and 'trolls' and... insert your favorite label?

I must confess I don't understand this hatred that is brewing on all
audio forums. Why are so many audio hobbyists suffering from such low
self-esteem? Why can't they accept and tolerate other people's
findings? For Christ's sake, we're only talking about our individual
experiences here. It's the same as if I were to disclose how I had a
delicious plate of sushi for dinner last night, and then other members
attack me and accuse me of being a troll and being full of shit
because, according to them, everyone knows that sushi is a terrible
dish that was only meant for suckers.

Go and browse through any of the myriad online audio forums, and you
will see many diatribes against this and that approach. The petty, tiny
little minds writing these diatribes always seem mightily upset that
someone wasted some money on some audio component. Why is that fact so
upsetting to them? Did these enthusiasts waste the money of people who
are quick to complain and blame? No. So shut the fuck up, make peace
with the fact that everyone has the right to spend their money and time
any way they choose, and allow normal people to share their

Live and let live, people (and oh yeah, don't forget to take your

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