Turnandcough;680749 Wrote: 
> Maybe it's the vino or maybe I need to call it a day but all this
> editing is confusing me. I thought I had found the "perfect" balance
> this afternoon but now after all these changes I can't remember where I
> was, what I changed or if I'm happier now or before I went and fiddled
> with it. 
> Wouldn't it be less confusing to post separate scripts and number them
> 1,2,3,etc for each tweak instead of editing the same one. That way we
> could copy/paste and refer to them by number instead of the original,
> the SBT, the guido, the p62, the p62 prior to editing, the p82 or was
> that p83, the...
> But then again who am I to start butting in around here. I should just
> shut up and be grateful.

Yeah, I've got to say that I've been thoroughly confused a few times,
too, and something like that would be a good idea.  That said, SBGK's
orginal efforts from this evening (which I liked and have returned to)
are preserved in my post #832.  I tried implementing the couple of
changes he made after that but wound up with quite a bit of roughness
in the treble---did not sound good on my system---so went back to the
original config which I thought sounded superb.  Will continue
listening this evening/ tomorrow and, if that gets on my nerves, I'll
go back to SBGK's page 62 settings which were quite fine, too.



System information
Main: PS Audio Quintet > Vortexbox > Touch (wired) via optical > Rega
DAC > LFD LE IV Signature amp > VA Mozart Grands > REL Acoustics R305

Home Theatre:  Duet/SBR (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

SBS 7.7.1 r33751 on a Vortexbox Appliance, V 2.0.  Touch w/Hardware
V.5.  Touch: FW 7.7.1 r9558.  Duet: FW 7.7.1 r9557.
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