Ambrose;683143 Wrote: 
> I don't really need a sub, the Neats dig quite low and have excellent
> bass/punchy sound. 
> I will look at ethernet cables however thanks.

Are you sure...?
It's entirely up to you obviously, but consider the following. 
Human beings can hear down to 20Hz. Your Neats have a quoted frequency
range of 45Hz upwards (according to
which assume is base on the manufacturer's specs)

Those specs are quite likely to be optimistic and may well be the -6dB
Not all recordings have information below 45Hz but some do. Some of it
is muscial and some merely ambient, but there is information. Some
people go as far as to say that it makes a very significant difference
to the impression of reality of a recording through spatial cues; I
myself use a sub with my proac tablettes (nominal frquecny range 38Hz
upwards) and found that they gave a very definite improvement both to
the indivual sound  of certin instruments (from cellos down) and to the
sense of space in the recording as a whole.   

It seems to be to be indisputable that you could achieve greater
somewhat fidelity to the recording by getting a sub or  speakers with a
wider frequency range. 
You don't have to of course, but if you want an imnprovments there is
one which is plainly achievable and makes sense.

So why ignore that and instead look at better ethernet cables (and a
linear psu) which might at best [I'm going to restrain myself from
going any further, but this much is indisputable] make a very very very
slight difference to the sound?

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