chill;686023 Wrote: 
> This is what I admire about him.  His responses are very cleverly
> crafted to sound plausible.  He gives the genuine impression that he
> believes all this stuff himself.  A troll for sure, but a highly
> sophisticated troll who knows how to get the best out of his audience. 
> This forum would be a duller place without him.

Yep he has basically opened a tread and argued for every bizzare
imposible and indefensible and wrong pow you can have in audio, i would
not call that sophisticated.
Sometimes you bite and have to meet the so called " arguments "
infusing some reality in such treads.
Otherwise the sheer output of such people as mcp would swamp th forum
in bs.

There are non technical people reading and lurkers probably a factor 10
or more than participate.
And they don't have the ignore feature we others can enjoy ( recomended

Mcp's arguments never gets better than the initial statement in his
treads, but quickly gets more bizzare and confusing, so you can
participate in his treads with the ignore function on , the quality
content comes in the replies from others. And they cite mcp often
enough for you to get the general direction.
And this " free thinker " follows very well treaded tracks made by
similar subjectivist cult audiophiles so I never seen any new or
interesting ideas. Just variants on the general missunderstanding and
missconception of audio such a person has, it is basically the same
argument all the time.

You can reply to the initial statement and topic of the tread all the
time , no need to read the rest
of his " arguments" mcp does not seem to notice anyway he does not
really read anyone else arguments in the troll agenda he just turns it
around with some even more bizzare argument and the tread grows mission


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