After a few days of reflexion, I finally have decided to share with you
the very interesting and quite embarassing experience I have done and
that is for me quite revealing of the subjective aspect of listening

As some of you may already have read in my previous posts in the
audiophile threads, I used to be a believer of the sound quality
enhancements provided by several software and hardware tweaks of the
Touch setup. This belief was mainly founded on the many positive
listening experiences I made during many endless nights all this last
few months.

These are the main improvements done on my system during this period
and the perceived benefits of it:
1. Replace stock PSU by S-Booster BOTW linear power supply -> unveiled
the music, revealing a lot more details
2. Apply TT2.0 and then TT3.0 -> much cleaner sound, less noisy, more
accurate timbers, better soundstage
3. Use Draka FTP cable with shielding removed on a few cm -> less
harsch sound with airy and much brighter treble
4. Use digital out through external V-DAC 1 and then 2 -> warmer,
richer, rounder sound
5. Use Windows7 instead of NAS -> also warmer, richer sound
6. Tweak priorities and buffersize -> improved soundstage and better
tone balance
Some of these improvements were also confirmed by a friend of mine and
by my wife.

After all of that, I was so satisfied by the sound produced by my Touch
that I decided to build a secundary system around a brand new second
Touch. But first, once my second Touch arrived, I took the opportunity
to go back to the basics and put my two Touches side by side for a
listening test: one will all the mods applied, the other with the stock
PSU and config, connected by a low end cat5e patch cord. Both were
running in sync from LMS running on win7 and sharing the same DAC by
swapping the S-PDIF BJC coax. Those who already read my post on this
test already know the outcome: this time I could not notice any
significative difference if any.

This was just questioning all the results obtained the all year long
during endless white nights and raised a lot of confusion about what to
think of all these tweaks.

But there comes the interesting part... something had changed in
between that may clarify why I had so contradictory conclusions: the
way I was testing, or to be more precise, the mindset I had during the

Let me explain further:

During all the time I spent tweaking my system, the main evaluation
criteria I used was: "does it sound different?". I was looking to some
relevant details of the music with my new tweaks and then looked if it
was better than without tweaks: is it brighter? warmer? more airy?
better soundstage?... and I always found extracts of mudic that
confirmed the improvements of the tweak.

But for the side by side testing, questioned by the critiscism of some
members of the community about the relevance and the effectiveness of
the tweaks, I tried to change of mindset and changed my evaluation
method from "does it sound different? is it better?" to "does it sound
the same? is it even good?" and guess what...? the differences vanished
in the air!!! On every extract that sounded good on the tweaked Touch, I
tried to figure out: "how does it sound? what do I hear? is it warm?
full of harmonics? airy? with a good soundstage? clean? ..." and then I
looked on the untweaked Touch if it sounded the same... and it did!!"

As a bottom line, I still don't know if there is a difference or not
but I feel like all these long listening tests were a waste of time,
energy and money! Don't understand me wrong: I would love to be able to
tweak my Touch to improve the sound quality of my system... but it is so
frustrating to see that there is such an expectation bias that it is
almost impossible to objectivate differences by simple AB tests.

The reason to open this new thread is that I would like to give the
opportunity to other community members to share their testing
methodology in order to sort out the best practices in critical
listening methodology. So feel free to contribute :-)


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