SBGK;688182 Wrote: 
> Soundcheck,
> you have completely transformed my listening experience via the TT2.0
> mods and then TT3.0, keep up the good work, I am sure there are a lot
> of people supporting you. The fact that you are annoying people who are
> loathe to experiment, but have a theory for everything is merely an
> indication that you are on the right track.

it isnt theory....

it is science. blumlein, nyquist, shannon et al ..groundworks been laid
since the 30s, serge..

it aint exactly new either...basic stuff...

the only tt options i am using...disable analog out, wireless off, and
vollock.....everything else is logitech(including screen being
on).but... no differences in a dbt session btw this and stock....


Vortexbox>SBT(TT 3.0)>>Forssell MDAC-2>>>Klein and Hummell 0300D

Sota Sapphire/Lyra Kleos>>Bespoke Valve Phono Stage>>Mastersound Due
Venti>>Link Audio K100
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