item_audio;693035 Wrote: 
> This rather misses the point: they weren't writing about the Squeezebox
> or even the streaming model in most cases. This is AUDIO with COMPUTING
> devices. Some of you forget this: anything you attach to a sensitive
> device influences it: you can't wave a wand and say that hideous power
> supply is now magically OK because it's a computer: the amplifier and
> DAC don't care about its ability to process numbers: they only care
> about getting a clean signal, without intermod distortion. Computers
> fail epically in this regard.
> Where the data comes from, and how it is ripped, is absolutely
> irrelevant to the WAV v FLAC question: that's (once again) all about
> changes within the local playback environment. It's hard to know
> whether forum members are deliberately turning a blind eye to this
> stuff for rhetorical effect, or have genuinely been conditioned to
> believe it's unimportant.
> How are you defining 'AUDIO'? Because (optical transmission aside) all
> I'm seeing are signals in wire and traces... all susceptible to the
> same stuff. The computer or Squeezebox makes it 'digital' by a process
> of conversion. The transceiver converts it into voltage; another
> transceiver converts it into digital; another series of D-A chipset(s)
> convert it into voltage; various amplification stages occur -
> everything is suspectible; everything matters.
> The extreme position here - that even USB cables sound identical - is
> fortunately diminishing in the public mindset, simply falling before
> experience.
Phil was referring to the assertion that 2 bit identical rips may sound

You have written some general blather about audio which entirely
ignores the point about the two files. Saying they will both sound the
same played through  any given set of equipment is not the same as
saying that all equipment sounds the same.

Look why don't you either try to follow a point coherently or leave the
forum alone. I don't blame you for trying to pick up some business by
showing off to the weak minded but it hasn't worked, so now you're just
being irritating.

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