item_audio;693013 Wrote: 
> Currently, there are no explanations offered as to why or how rips may
> differ. It seems counter-intuitive, maybe even plain wrong-headed. It
> may just be delusion or self-deception. All granted. The OP admitted as
> much: his intention was evidently to stimulate debate in which something
> might be learned.
> Shutting down discussion in this way is rather like those who couldn't
> imagine how a man go travel faster than 15mph without exploding.
> Progress showed they were wrong.
> Linn and Naim and Logitech and Yamaha and Medidian and Bryston and
> Aurender and MSB and Marantz - indeed every leading authority in
> digital audio design know that case design, power supplies, data
> sourcing, EM, RF, clock implementation, cabling, board layout, etc
> affect transport performance. Back in the dark ages, when people
> believed only in bits, the idea that each of these components would
> impart a sonic signature was treated with derision. Progress showed
> they were wrong.
> So those of us who have previously been embarrassed by their lack of
> imagination are cagey about saying this or that is 'impossible'.
> Certainly Linn and Naim felt the question of WAV vs FLAC sufficiently
> important to investigate and - interestingly - came to different
> conclusions. Will some new variable emerge that explains rips
> differing? Who knows - and that's the point.
> Development is led as much by field results as lab tests: it's all data
> to the researcher.

There are no logical flaws with the "all bit perfect rips sound the
same" belief. The one basic flaw is in the statement "there are no
explanations offered as to why or how rips may differ." Here's why
there are no explanations: because the rips DO NOT sound different.
Just as wav and flac files DO NOT sound different. Just as $5 USB cable
and $500 USB cable DO NOT sound different. The TAS articles would be of
no interest if they had stated that all bit perfect rips sound the same
however stating that there seem to be differences is not only
interesting to clueless audiophiles but really, really helpful for high
end audio manufacturers trying to sell their new high priced computer
audio device. Whether that device is a $$$ USB cable, $$$$$ streaming
device, $$$$ ripping software, $$$$ USB DAC, etc.

May I suggest that you take your nonsense and post it over on the TAS
and Stereophile forums - those audiophools will eat it up and most of
them will even defend you. But please leave the knowledgeable grownups
on this forum alone!

item_audio;693015 Wrote: 
> Different points; different posts.

I see that you did it again, even after I gently pointed out the
existence of multi-quote feature. You sir are an ____ (fill in the


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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