andy_c;693862 Wrote: 
> uuencode and base64 sound waaay better than yEnc. :D

Not when the music is jazz. yEnc for jazz, uuencode for rock and
popular and base64 for classical.

Mnyb;693864 Wrote: 
> Which font was used on the newsgroup any serifs would add a peculiar
> edge on stuff :D

Serifs don't add an edge, they add flair!

andy_c;693873 Wrote: 
> I use only monospaced fonts when reading newsgroups, as the uniform
> spacing between bytes reduces jitter considerably! :D

True but monospaced fonts make the music sound rigid and locked in
place, since I like free jazz I would never use a monospaced font. And
besides the track was stereo! DUH!

paul.raulerson;693887 Wrote: 
> It's really pretty simple - there is no club initiation to enjoy home
> audio as a hobby. No certification exams, nor any oversight agency
> checking credentials. 
> I'm not sure how you find "standards" for evaluating home audio on a
> personal basis. 
> Anyone is welcome to design, conduct, and publish any tests they like.
> Some of them are going to be pure crap - as witness the TAS articles in
> question. 

I agree with you completely when one is talking about an individual
evaluating equipment for their own personal use since it's their money
and their ears. But I strongly disagree when one is evaluating and
testing equipment for a formal, published review in a magazine sold to
the general public.

Let's make no mistake these audio magazines do have an enormous
influence on the high end audio market both for new and used equipment.
Over the years I've tried to use this undue influence to my advantage by
looking for used equipment that was "damned with faint praise" in the
audio press. Often times one can buy used equipment which has been
"damned with faint praise" for a very good price. On the other hand one
will often have to overpay for equipment which has received high praise
for the audio press.

Cases in point:

The Cambridge Audio DAC Magic which at the peak of its popularity in
the audio press was sell used for almost the same as new ($425 new
versus $375 used - not a good used to new ratio).

Energy Veritas speakers which were "damned with faint praise" if they
were reviewed at all and therefore could be bought new for 50% of their
original price and used for even less.

So make no mistake real harm is being done by the publication of that
ridiculous Computer Music series in TAS and real money will be made by
some manufacturers who will be selling nearly worthless products that
they claim will overcome the problems pointed in the TAS series,
problems that in reality do not exist.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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