I should probably disqualify myself from giving any SQ impressions given
that I am using an unfamiliar DAC (CA DacMagic 100) while my usual
modded CA840C is out for repairs, but here are some anyway. Obviously I
can't tell whether these are artefacts of the DAC or the playout via
SBT. The CA DacMagic 100 plays perfectly without a hub in USB2 mode, but
I couldn't get USB1 to work properly at all with the hub I had lying

1) 24/192 playback via Async USB2 and SP/DIF works with the samples that
I've downloaded from 2L. I haven't noticed any glitches, clicks or other
2) Standard Red Book audio, 16/48, 24/48 and 24/88.2 files also play
without glitches via Async USB2 and SP/DIF
3) via both USB and SP/DIF, Bass sounds somewhat lightweight and
'hollow', lacking resonance but with good texture and pitch perception.
To my ears, Bass has slightly more weight via SP/DIF, but not a big
4) via both USB and SP/DIF, Mid and upper mid sound detailed and well
differentiated. Snare patterns are easy to differentiate, and vocals and
quiet production effects are easy to hear. There appears to be a lack of
etch and grain, and recordings with a warm acoustic have a nicely
burnished quality.
5) Clear treble and patterns/accents in high-hat or other cymbals seem
quite easy to hear. No harshness via either USB or SPDIF.

The presentation via both USB and SP/DIF is a little mid-forward, but
not hard-sounding or grating. Smooth and natural sound piano sounds via
USB, but slightly better impression of detail via SP/DIF. SQ of this
combo in my system sounds slightly like it is equalised with a slight
'frown' curve.

I am most impressed that it works as well as it does. The primary
benefit is obviously providing compatibility with USB DACs, but the
ability to playback 24/192 via SP/DIF is a bonus too if your DAC can
manage it. SP/DIF is my marginal preference with this DAC in my system.


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